Welt der Wunder

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Welt der Wunder Redaktion

The total value of all cryptocurrencies currently stands at 185 billion US dollar (stand of 11/01/2017) – five times higher than at the beginning of the year. Latest trend in the scene are so-called ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings). In these virtual IPOs companies don’t issue shares, instead so-called tokens. But what are the risks and what do investors have to consider?

The total value of all cryptocurrencies currently stands at 185 billion US dollar (stand of 11/01/2017) – five times higher than at the beginning of the year. Latest trend in the scene are so-called ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings). In these virtual IPOs companies don’t issue shares, instead so-called tokens. But what are the risks and what do investors have to consider?

Blockchain technology is the largest invention of the internet so far. The diversity of using the concept is huge and yet only a very few people know what’s behind this idea. Fact is, blockchain will change our lives – to whatever extent. A good point to take a closer look at the concept.

In 2009, the first digital coins were created – called Bitcoins. Since then, other new cryptocurrencies followed, which received more and more attention thanks to adventurous price developments. Today, nearly 2,000 different currencies are in circulation. We explain how the system behind works.

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