Welt der Wunder

Nicht glauben, sondern wissen


We can fly like a bird or suddenly find ourselves naked in front of our boss: some of the things we experience in our sleep are just strange. With a few simple tricks, dreams can be experienced consciously – and even controlled.

A song that is stuck in our heads is a snippet of music that plays over and over in our minds. The tricky part is that we can’t control this process. But how does this happen? And more importantly, what can we do about it?

There are some bad habits that we would like to get rid of as quickly as possible. But why is this often so difficult? Why is our brain so attached to recurring behaviors and what can we do about it?

“I know it happened because I was there” – how many times have you found yourself saying or thinking that? However, you may have been lying without knowing it, because human memory is not as reliable as we think. We often only think we remember things because our memories can be manipulated without much effort.

At night, while we sleep, we process sensory stimuli that we have absorbed and stored during the day. But can our brain also store new knowledge during our night’s sleep?

A survey conducted by Harvard University in the United States found that 44 percent of working adults say that their work affects their health. In Germany, Techniker Krankenkasse conducted a survey which revealed that 64 percent of Germans suffer from stress at least occasionally and 26 percent report that they suffer from stress frequently.

Some pills consist only of sugar and starch – and can still make you healthy. How can the placebo effect be explained? Researchers suspect that the body heals itself in many cases of illness.

Roses are red, violets are blue – the world in all its beauty appears colorful and bright. But a closer look reveals a different picture: In reality, the world is not as colorful as we see it.

Welt der Wunder - Die App