Welt der Wunder

Nicht glauben, sondern wissen


All posts that are not image galleries or videos

Ready-to-eat products have a dubious reputation because they often contain MSG. Experts even call the popular flavor enhancer a neurotoxin.

Auch Privatpersonen sind lukrative Opfer für Cyberkriminelle – und im Urlaub sind sie besonders verwundbar. Diese Tipps sollte jeder beachten, der mit Smartphone und Laptop im Gepäck sicher reisen will.

Can advertising influence us without us noticing? For a long time, this was considered a myth. But studies show that it might actually work. Can industry manipulate us into mindless buying machines?

2024 is shaping up to be a great year for sports enthusiasts, marked by two of the world’s most prestigious events: The European Football Championship and the Summer Olympic Games. How could the metaverse help shape the future of the sports industry?

Like last year, the summer heat is currently bringing devastating forest fires to Greece. The majority have so far erupted in central Greece and Crete. But how do forest fires start?

“Avatar 2”, “Hogwarts Legacy”, “Fortnite” and “The Batman” have more in common than many people think. They all owe their computer-generated graphics to Unreal Engine from Epic Games. In the past, 3D engines were only used in the games industry. Today they can be found everywhere, but why?

Dolphins are intelligent. They can learn things, communicate with their fellow dogs and hunt in groups. But that’s not all: the marine mammals have their own self-awareness and can recognize themselves in the mirror – an ability that very few animals have.

Welt der Wunder - Die App