Welt der Wunder

Nicht glauben, sondern wissen


Pain is essential for survival, but it can also be an enormous burden. We explain the different types of pain and why a broken bone doesn’t really hurt.

Many people find it unbearable to watch another person suffer. Physical mishaps make them uncomfortable, physical violence in movies is almost unbearable. But what is really going on inside us when this happens?

Ready-to-eat products have a dubious reputation because they often contain MSG. Experts even call the popular flavor enhancer a neurotoxin.

Botox can do more than just smooth out wrinkles on the face. It is now used by doctors as a remedy for excessive sweating or migraines. Researchers have discovered that the often controversial drug can also alleviate negative feelings and anxiety.

We can fly like a bird or suddenly find ourselves naked in front of our boss: some of the things we experience in our sleep are just strange. With a few simple tricks, dreams can be experienced consciously – and even controlled.

A survey conducted by Harvard University in the United States found that 44 percent of working adults say that their work affects their health. In Germany, Techniker Krankenkasse conducted a survey which revealed that 64 percent of Germans suffer from stress at least occasionally and 26 percent report that they suffer from stress frequently.

A pack of potato chips instead of a bowl of salad – a few hours on the couch instead of at the gym: we constantly break our resolutions and surrender to the commands of a very selfish brain. Yet, anyone can beat laziness. What slows us down, what keeps us going? How can we overcome the motivation killers in our heads?

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