A hard-hitting truth: There is still a general lack of knowledge about the long-term effects of traumatic brain injury – especially in the professional league of American football. This is what makes CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) so dangerous.
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The acronym ASMR refers to specific sounds that many perceive as calming and pleasant. Some people even report states of trance or a tingling sensation in the head when exposed to ASMR sounds. What the hype about soothing sounds on social media is all about.
Science is now convinced that swimming makes you smarter. Not only does aquatic exercise strengthen the cardiovascular system, build muscle, and reduce stress. Our brain also benefits.
Dolphins are very intelligent. They have self-awareness, personality, and empathy. Their social behavior is very complex. They use tools, give themselves individual names, mourn their dead, can imitate behaviors even across species – including humans – and pass on what they have learned to their offspring, thus developing their own culture.
New software may be able to turn our thoughts directly into writing in the future. Sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it? Here’s what it can do: