Welt der Wunder

Nicht glauben, sondern wissen

Body health

In many ways, people with Alzheimer’s seem to behave like children. But it is not by choice. Because of the disease, they no longer know what they are doing – and they suffer greatly as a result. The psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer first made the link between changes in the brain and the gradual loss of memory.

A survey conducted by Harvard University in the United States found that 44 percent of working adults say that their work affects their health. In Germany, Techniker Krankenkasse conducted a survey which revealed that 64 percent of Germans suffer from stress at least occasionally and 26 percent report that they suffer from stress frequently.

Anyone who has ever been tickled for longer than a few seconds knows that it can be real torture – our body compels us to laugh as a reflex. However, anyone who tries to tickle themselves will invariably fail. Why is that?

Poisonings are among the greatest dangers our organism can be exposed to. Different toxins affect different parts of the body and often the dosage determines life or death.

Soldiers in crisis areas or aid workers on disaster relief missions often have traumatic experiences. The images, sounds and smells remain with some people for the rest of their lives. What happens in our brain? And can trauma be healed?

Left- and right-handed people differ in their dominant side of their bodies. Scientists have been able to find out why these differences exist in humans and animals and where they come from.

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