Welt der Wunder

Nicht glauben, sondern wissen


There are some bad habits that we would like to get rid of as quickly as possible. But why is this often so difficult? Why is our brain so attached to recurring behaviors and what can we do about it?

At night, while we sleep, we process sensory stimuli that we have absorbed and stored during the day. But can our brain also store new knowledge during our night’s sleep?

For most people, pain is an unpleasant thing. But some people seem to find satisfaction in pain – they seem to be addicted to it. But how can that be?

Whether it’s pester power strategies, signs with short-term offers or special scents in the air: by now we are all familiar with the trickery that supermarkets use to get us to buy. But why do we fall for them again and again?

In traffic, at a soccer game, or on the Internet – we encounter advertising messages everywhere. Can they seduce us without us noticing, and can our brains be influenced by neuromarketing?

Anyone who has ever been tickled for longer than a few seconds knows that it can be real torture – our body compels us to laugh as a reflex. However, anyone who tries to tickle themselves will invariably fail. Why is that?

Welt der Wunder - Die App