Welt der Wunder

Nicht glauben, sondern wissen


In many ways, people with Alzheimer’s seem to behave like children. But it is not by choice. Because of the disease, they no longer know what they are doing – and they suffer greatly as a result. The psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer first made the link between changes in the brain and the gradual loss of memory.

In traffic, at a soccer game, or on the Internet – we encounter advertising messages everywhere. Can they seduce us without us noticing, and can our brains be influenced by neuromarketing?

A pack of potato chips instead of a bowl of salad – a few hours on the couch instead of at the gym: we constantly break our resolutions and surrender to the commands of a very selfish brain. Yet, anyone can beat laziness. What slows us down, what keeps us going? How can we overcome the motivation killers in our heads?

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