Neuroscientists can peer into our brains and read what we are thinking. There are also less chilling possibilities, such as prosthetics that can be controlled by the power of thought.
Soldiers in crisis areas or aid workers on disaster relief missions often have traumatic experiences. The images, sounds and smells remain with some people for the rest of their lives. What happens in our brain? And can trauma be healed?
What if we were able to cure even the most serious illness using only the power of our thoughts?
Left- and right-handed people differ in their dominant side of their bodies. Scientists have been able to find out why these differences exist in humans and animals and where they come from.
Some people look and act like everyone else. But suddenly their limbs start twitching, they start screaming, they start shouting profanities – without ever meaning to. This is what it feels like to have Tourette Syndrome.
Forget everything you thought you knew about dieting – a number of new studies show: It’s not what or how much we eat. Rather, it is where, when, and from what kind of plate we eat determines whether or not we gain weight. The good news: With a few simple tweaks, we can change our eating habits.
Can advertising influence us without us noticing? For a long time, this was considered a myth. But studies show that it might actually work. Can industry manipulate us into mindless buying machines?
If we could use our brain to influence our muscles and our immune system, would it be possible to manipulate our DNA with feelings and thoughts?
Some people can smell colors – or sense sounds and smells and thus experience the world in a completely different way, because they perceive much more than other people.
Dolphins are intelligent. They can learn things, communicate with their fellow dogs and hunt in groups. But that’s not all: the marine mammals have their own self-awareness and can recognize themselves in the mirror – an ability that very few animals have.